Bite-sized learning

Bite-sized learning

Table of Contents

    Adaptability is key in the modern workforce. Employees across all industries are expanding their roles, working from anywhere, and taking on new tasks every day. Constant business innovation is exciting, but it can also be demanding and overwhelming. We live in a world where multitasking is a way of life and data comes from all directions. As a result, it’s easy to become distracted and overloaded with information. So, what is bite-sized learning and how can it help?

    Bite-sized learning is the answer to how you can supply employees with useful content right when it’s needed most. By delivering short lessons that users can consume quickly, you help your employees learn at the speed of the modern world and easily retain new information.

    Ready to arm your employees with the knowledge they need to excel in their roles?

    In this guide, you will get answers to the following questions:

    • What is bite-sized learning?
    • How can you deliver snackable lessons?
    • How can bite-sized learning work for you?

    What is bite-sized learning?

    Bite-sized learning (sometimes called microlearning) is an educational strategy that breaks down information into small, digestible chunks to provide learners with relevant content when and where they need it. Educators share knowledge through e-learning modules in short sessions focusing on one main topic or area of interest. Learners access the materials when they need them and learn at their own pace.

    Bite-sized learning is short. It’s easily accessible and focuses on a single learning objective. This approach delivers essential details right on time without overwhelming learners with too much information. The informal style allows employees to learn within their workflow and apply lessons quickly. So, what is bite-sized learning like in real life?

    Microlearning can help with onboarding, training, upskilling, refresher learning, adopting new tools or technology, etc. Here are some examples of bite-sized learning:

    • A series of five-minute videos helping employees learn company values
    • A single-page infographic released each week arming employees with easily accessible sales learning information
    • A 10-question quiz used to determine how well employees are adapting to new technology

    What is bite-sized learning going to do for your organization? 

    Many companies make the mistake of requiring employees to sit through hours of consistent training content putting major dents in their workflow and making it feel like a required chore rather than a useful tool. Learning nuggets can fit into your employees’ busy schedules and allow them to learn within the work of their day. Still, you might wonder exactly why bite-sized learning frequently leads to successful learning outcomes. These benefits make bite-sized learning a top choice in modern learning. 

    • Flexibility: E-learning modules delivered on demand mean employees don’t have to take time from their busy schedules. They can learn at any time or place and on any device. As a result, accessibility improves and participation increases.
    • Memorability: A singular focus makes information easier to digest, understand, and remember. Bite-sized content is often used within the workflow and learning is applied in real-time. The combination of essential details and immediate application helps make new information more memorable. 
    • Improved engagement: Fighting boredom is crucial for effective learning. Bite-sized e-learning modules can come in many formats that simplify understanding and reduce burnout compared to long learning sessions.
    • Self-paced: Learners can work through topics as they need them and access them later as a refresher if needed. 
    • Versatility: With multiple formats and various uses, bite-sized learning fits into practically any business learning objective. 

    Different types of bite-sized learning

    A short time frame doesn’t limit your options regarding versatile learning options. In fact, you can take advantage of multiple teaching strategies to connect with different learning styles and improve engagement. Consider how you can implement any or all of these types of bite-sized learning in your employee educational programs.

    Training demos

    According to a Dell report, 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet. Industries are evolving which means the workforce must too. Employees must constantly upskill to keep up with new technology in the workplace, however, these innovations may not always be welcome since they interrupt familiar workflows and procedures. Short training demos can garner excitement around new tools and work processes. An engaging and informative demo of a new tool in action or a specific workflow can teach employees a new skill or refresh their memory about a process they’ve already learned. 


    Short videos offer an engaging format that entertains learners and helps them absorb concepts. Videos can be watched outside of the learning environment on various devices to be used as an instructional aid. They can be used for “how to” lessons, task outlines, onboarding steps, and more.


    Podcasts come from industry experts, organizational leaders, supervisors, and other reputable sources. You can easily share them through cloud-based services and integrate them into an existing workflow. Podcasts are usually engaging, entertaining, and easily accessible for self-paced learning.


    Short and concise blogs provide learners with easily digestible content often through outlining assignments, delivering bullet points, describing tasks in a step-by-step format, and explaining key concepts. For bite-sized learning, blogs are typically kept to a single page and use skimmable formatting features like subheadings and bullet points. Blogs are also great for offering real-world examples for the learner.


    Engaging features and hands-on elements make games a great way to disperse new information. Interactive videos, timed tests, and video games engage learners and increase participation in employee education. Gamification can be used to offer hands-on learning before a new process goes live. They can even add a competitive element to enhance engagement through points, scores, or rewards.

    Social media

    Learning doesn’t have to be a solitary pursuit. In fact, engaging with other learners enhances the learning experience and provides opportunities to get answers to questions and different perspectives. Social media platforms allow educators to engage large audiences with short and relevant lessons. Learners can interact during these sessions to ask questions or further add to the discussion. Simple daily tips can even be used to supplement an existing learning module and encourage employees to apply new knowledge.


    Bite-sized content that fits on a single screen is easily accessible and digestible. Infographics condense large amounts of data or information into a visual format that’s easy to understand at a glance. By giving learners a quick snapshot of information, you provide them with instructions that can be used in the flow of work.

    How to make bite-sized learning work for you

    Now that you know what is bite-sized learning, you may be wondering how to adopt these snackable learning nuggets into your educational program. At a glance, bite-sized learning is easy to understand and can be quickly implemented for rapid results. But failure to take the time to develop a practical program could result in failure. These tips can help you effectively implement bite-sized learning for your employees. 

    Develop an actionable plan

    Although you may be bursting with ideas to use for short, engaging learning content, you don’t want to rush a new training program. Identify the information you want to share with employees and consider areas where bite-sized learning is achievable. For example, say you are seeking ways to improve production by providing more accessible information. To develop a plan, you could: 

    1. Go through each step of the production process
    2. Identify where improvements can be made through deeper knowledge
    3. Determine when and how employees could quickly and easily access content

    Once you’ve defined what you hope to achieve with bite-sized learning, you’ll want to create a formal plan for developing and introducing content. Identify the technology and assets you’ll use, and decide whether new resources will be required.

    Consider how lessons will be delivered

    Disorganization leads to wasted time. Research has estimated that over the course of an average workday, an employee can toggle between apps and windows more than 3,600 times. By providing a delivery method that makes lessons easily accessible, you can help employees avoid wasted time. 

    Do you already use a learning management system (LMS) to deliver information to your employees? Your LMS can be a useful tool in helping your L&D team quickly create learning content and deliver relevant sessions to employees. 

    Align learning modules with attention spans

    Bite-sized learning is designed specifically with engagement in mind. During a busy work day, it’s difficult to give your attention to any module that takes more than a few minutes. Avoid wandering attention by devising lessons with a single topic in mind. Streamline subjects to avoid excess information and limit lesson times to a few minutes. If you’re concerned about leaving out important details, consider how different lessons can fit together. You can create a schedule that encompasses a series of related lessons. 

    Measure success

    Every business investment needs a sound return on investment (ROI). Learning and development activities are no exception. Bite-sized learning is an effective way to communicate key concepts. But the process needs fine-tuning to fit each organization and adapt to employee learning styles.

    Your LMS is a great tool for measuring the effectiveness of your bite-sized learning modules. With features that can help you create questionnaires, optimize surveys, and generate reports, you can track progress and measure gaps in learning to identify areas for improvement. 

    What is bite-sized learning’s role in teaching modern learners?

    Bite-sized learning is an educational strategy that breaks information into small digestible chunks for learning that matches a modern busy lifestyle. It can deliver Learning and development materials for employees at any stage of their careers. 

    By measuring the results of your microlearning program and making changes as needed, you create a personalized learning system for your organization. Learning and development is the pathway to a more engaged and productive workforce. Explore our glossary for more relevant resources about the value of ongoing education and training in the workplace.

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