Using Docebo LMS helped increase active users and conversion rates

Find out how using Docebo helped Wrike to increase user activity by 102%, increase conversions by 300%, and saved over 11,000 hours of training.


more user activity

higher conversion rates
training hours saved

Who is Wrike?

Wrike is a collaborative work management platform designed for enterprises, used by over 20,000 companies across 140 countries.

Chris Van Reusen is the Sr. Director of Customer Education at Wrike.

“Having a Docebo-powered LMS allows us to reach more customers, save time, and scale.”

Chris Van Reusen
Global Head of Customer Education, Wrike

Challenge: Creating a risk-free learning space for users

As Wrike’s Sr. Director of Customer Education, Chris knows that customer education is the key to scaling customer success. Wrike is a collaborative platform. The more value each Wrike user gets, the better their whole team can work together.

Before Wrike had a learning management system (LMS) in place, customer success managers (CSM) spent thousands of hours in 1-on-1 training with customers. The process was tedious and often focused on basic features, which didn’t provide customers the most value.

Chris also noticed that users were hesitant to explore Wrike to learn on their own: they didn’t want to inadvertently mess up the team’s setup. Wrike’s users needed a self-serve sandbox environment to learn how to use the tool without affecting its configuration.

With the right LMS in place, users could get the support they needed to explore Wrike freely and test different features, and CSMs could focus their time on more valuable, higher-level customer consulting.

“There’s a certain amount of anxiety and reluctance to try things because people are unsure how their actions might affect others. We wanted to provide guidance to practice in their live environment in a way that makes them feel safe to experiment.”

Chris Van Reusen,
Global Head of Customer Education, Wrike

Solution: Flexible, self-service training for Wrike’s customers

With Docebo, Wrike Discover was set up to be a comprehensive, immersive learning experience for its customers.

Each course combines narrative storytelling with practical exercises, so users have the hands-on experience of using Wrike in a risk-free testing environment. Wrike was also able to use custom widgets to suggest different training plans depending on each customer journey, so users can work on the courses that make the most sense for them.

Customer success managers can now use their time much more efficiently, too. They need less time to support more customers, and they can point users to Wrike Discover for more basic questions.

They can focus their time on consulting and helping customers unlock full value from Wrike’s advanced features instead.

“Knowing that Wrike Discover is a risk-free environment is breaking down those walls so that users feel the freedom to try things. It allows them to use Wrike to do the best work that they can.”

Chris Van Reusen,
Global Head of Customer Education, Wrike

Result: 102% more active users, 3x conversion rates, and thousands of training hours saved

Today, Wrike Discover LMS users are 102% more active on Wrike than non-users.

And Wrike Discover (powered by Docebo) has increased conversion rates, too: pre-sales users who take courses with the LMS are 3x more likely to convert to paid users than those who don’t.

Finally, customer-facing staff are saving thousands of hours on 1-on-1 training each year—a total of 11,247 training hours, or 1,406 workdays. This has freed up more time and allowed them to focus on consulting and getting customers engaged with Wrike as a product.

Everybody wins.

“Having our Docebo-powered LMS has been a very effective tool for us across several teams.”

Chris Van Reusen,
Global Head of Customer Education, Wrike

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